Student Information Book
This information booklet provides you with information about the services offered by Regional Skills Training and our approach to ensuring you a safe, fair and supported environment to participate in training and assessment.
Courses we offer
AHC20122 Certificate II in Agriculture
AHC21216 Certificate II in Rural Operations
AHC32822 Certificate III in Rural Operations
AHC30122 Certificate III in Agriculture
AHC50122 Diploma of Agriculture
AHC51422 Diploma of Agribusiness Management
WorkReady is a South Australian government initiative that provides subsidised training to eligible participants in South Australia. If your training is subsidised, the South Australian Government pays part of your course fees for you.
RST offers qualifications under WorkReady funding for eligible students.
WorkReady Students may be eligible for a concession if they are:
- A current Commonwealth Government concession card holder:
- Health Care Card; or
- Pensioner Concession Card; or
- Veteran Affairs Concession Card.
- Are a prison inmate, a detainee, on remand, held in a South Australian institution in connection with the commission of an offence, or a child in a South Australian detention centre older than 16 years.
For further information and to check eligibility visit: www.skills.sa.gov.au
Financial Support
There are a variety of allowances that students may be able to access to help with study and living costs while training. Students will need to determine if they are eligible and apply for any applicable allowances.
Allowances may be available from Centrelink to:
- Students and apprentices
- Aboriginal apprentices
- Pensioners who are studying
- Families with children who have barriers to attend school
- Low income families
Students who are or have been under a Guardianship Order of a government Minister in Australia and are 16 years or older, do not have to pay course fees for subsidised courses.
Further information about financial support including fee concessions, allowances, scholarships and grants can be found at: www.skills.sa.gov.au/get-support-to-study